Good afternoon!
We just celebrated the unofficial start of summer; too bad Florida missed that memo and started summer weather weeks ago! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend, holiday or no. Mine was nice, busy, but nice. I'm starting to feel like myself again :) I haven't done much for challenge prompts, compared to previous weeks, but I did do a few.
Today's and yesterday's manis are prompts for the 52 Week Pick N Mix Challenge. The prompts were patchwork and/or bright and happy. I chose to do them separately because, quite frankly, I was drawing a blank on other challenge prompts this week, or just didn't like them :P
The patchwork prompt was up for today. This started as a tape mani for me, using Zoya Purity and Demetria. I immediately regretted doing red over white, but I stuck with it. I freehanded the patchwork art in Zoya Black Swan, and topped everything with SV. Not too bad, I think, considering my freehand sucks and this my first try at a patchwork mani.
Since today was patchwork, that means yesterday was bright and happy (lol). For that, I chose China Glaze Glow With the Flow and Can I Get an Untz Untz?.
Here is the Inlinkz for this week's prompts:
52 Week Pick n Mix Challenge - Patchwork and Bright and Happy
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
Monday was Memorial, and instead of doing something patriotic (like everyone else :P), I decided to try another look that I hadn't done yet- the turquoise stone mani. I've seen many gorgeous manis with this look, and I knew it was something I wanted to try.
All the colors used in my mani were from Zoya, from base color to stamping. Colors I used were Rocky, Talia, Ziv, and Black Swan. Stamping plate was Sugar Bubbles SB 021.
This next mani I did up for the 30 Days of Colour Challenge prompt, color blocking and/or creme. My color blocking for this was a total fail, so I ended up with a creme Skittles. Colors are all from Zoya's Island Fun collection; the only one I didn't use was Demetria.
This mani was put on Thursday night and didn't come off until late Sunday. Impressive for me, since I take off every day. More impressive because I had very little tip wear and no chips.
Inlinkz for this prompt:
30 Days of Colour - May 22: Creme / Colour Blocking
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
Wednesday's mani was just the bright ass, obnoxious, retina searing neon orange that is Zoya Paz.