Hello, and good afternoon! I hope your Monday is going well :)
So, it's time for me to catch up again. Things just got hectic around here last week; then, when I wanted to post, my USB cable for my phone wouldn't connect -_- Had to wait until today, but here it is!
Today's PAA Mani Monday prompt was water marble/waterfall. Of course, I chose water marble. This also knocks out the same prompt for the 52WPNMC, yay! This water marble was directly inspired by another member of PAA, so credit goes to Lo Figuero :)
Colors used were Zoya Willa, Prim, and Haven, and OPI Nail Envy. Zoya's matte topcoat to matte it.
Inlinkz for the 52SPNMC:
52 Week Pick n Mix Challenge - Water Spotting or Marbling, Purple, Red and Aqua
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
Sunday I didn't have anything on my nails, because I didn't go anywhere :P But Saturday was my nephew's birthday. My thumbs, index, and rings were done with KBShimmer's Funky Cold Patina. The water marble accents were Zoya Serenity and Cecelia over Tiffany.
Friday was Michael Jackson's birthday, so I had to do a mani for that. Both colors used were from Colors by Llarowe's MJ Tribute collections. They're the only two I own, Thriller and Smooth Criminal. I created a gradient with them, my first holo gradient, I might add lol. The stamped images came from the Chez Delaney MJ plate, stamped in MdU white.
I did a little TBT last week, breaking out my black Shatter. I layered it over OPI's Get Cherried Away. I think I'm finally ready for some fall colors, because it certainly reminded me of fall.
#watermarblepracticewed's prompt last week was fishtail braid. I think mine was more of a fail, but I had to try. The colors I used were Zoya Sia (OMG I love this blue!), Nana, and Neely over Purity.
Last Tuesday was a dotticure. All colors were OPI-
My Boyfriend Scales Walls
Suzi has a Swede Tooth
My Dogsled is a Hybrid
Get Cherried Away
OPI's matte topcoat for the matteness.
For last Monday's PAA Mani Monday, the prompt was August birthday symbols. I chose to do a peridot colored mani, using Zoya Jace and Stassi.
The previous Saturday, I had a memorial service to attend for a dear friend. I didn't want anything too flashy, but not completely boring either. My base color for this mani was KBShimmer Pt Young Thing, which is a goregous silver holo. I stamped over that with roses from BBF19 in MdU black.
That Friday's mani, I'm not sure where I was going with it lol. Looking back at it, it feels kinda unfinished, but I wasn't sure what else to do with it. It was a Saran Wrap mani with Zoya Kristen and Skylar. I like the look, I just think it needed something else....
And, lastly, that Thursday's main. It was a MATTE ALL THE FLAKIEZ!! day. The base was OPI Keeping Suzi at Bay with ILNP Kaleidoscope layered over it. OPI matte topcoat to finish it.